I’m sorry there have not been any posts for over a week. I am having some technical issues with my blog. You may have noticed it is loading extremely slowly at the moment, sorry if you’ve found that frustrating.
I am working to fix things, and that’s using the time I usually use for writing. Since I don’t have any technical support, and this is all new to me it takes me a while to work out what to do. I now have a plan and I will be taking a leap into the technical unknown.
I’m looking forward to getting back to the writing, but I will have a tremendous amount of satisfaction if I manage to sort this out by myself. I hope to see you on the other side (If not I’ve done something wrong!)
Update 8/4/14
Thanks to help from Technical Support at Dreamhost this blog should now be back to normal performance. If you experience any further problems then let me know.